Buy Chinese brand chip,Chinese brand Electronics Components,Fastturnchip provides well-known electronic components at home and abroad, a large number of off-the-shelf products, authentic guarantee, high quality and low price.
Buy Chinese brand chip,Chinese brand Electronics Components,Fastturnchip provides well-known electronic components at home and abroad, a large number of off-the-shelf products, authentic guarantee, high quality and low price.
Fast Turn Chip Electronics Limited
Адрес: 2005-2012, здание A, Dongling Plaza, Xintang Town, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou
Контакт: Кристина Чжао
Горячая линия по вопросам обслуживания:+86 400-880-6032
Мобильный телефон: +86 13829712628
WeChat или Whatsapp:19540094782
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